Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa.
Tutti i prezzi pubblicati sono in Euro ed IVA esclusa
162861 ALPHA METALS filo fluitin 1532 2.2 63/37 0.5mm Spole 500gr DIN 63
ALPHA Fluitin 1532 is an activated rosin cored solder wire developed for general hand soldering applications. The unique activator system offers good thermal stability at pre-soldering temperatures ensuring that ALPHA Fluitin 1532 performs extremely well on parts and surfaces which present poor or difficult soldering conditions.
ALPHA Fluitin 1532 leaves post-soldering residues that are hard and which can be safely left without the need to remove them. If the removal of residues is required, then semi-aqueous or aqueous systems can be used effectively.
ALPHA Fluitin 1532 is an activated rosin cored solder wire developed for general hand soldering applications. The unique activator system offers good thermal stability at pre-soldering temperatures ensuring that ALPHA Fluitin 1532 performs extremely well on parts and surfaces which present poor or difficult soldering conditions.
ALPHA Fluitin 1532 leaves post-soldering residues that are hard and which can be safely left without the need to remove them. If the removal of residues is required, then semi-aqueous or aqueous systems can be used effectively.